Try VoIP calling for free
No fees, no commitments

Are you considering VoIP services, but you are not 100% sure if the services serve your needs? We bring you precise instructions on how to check out the services without binding yourself completely for free.
How to do that?- 1. Place an order for a plan - Order our VIPTel S plan for you, your acquaintance, colleague, relative or friend..
- 2. Activate the plan - It is necessary to sign an agreement to activate the plan, but don’t worry. It is sufficient to sign the agreement at home and send us a scan or a quality photo of the agreement t, and that is all that it takes to arrange the service from the comfort of your home or office.
- All your voice plans are without any binding contract period so that you can terminate the agreement anytime.
- After receiving all the necessary documents, we will make the service available to you over the course of several hours (if you send us the agreement during business days and hours).
- App download and configuration - We recommend downloading the VIPTel Phone app to your smartphone to check out our services the fastest and cheapest way possible. You can configure the app by scanning an SQ code according to this manual. It takes approximately 1 minute to set up the app.
- Telephoning - After configuring the app, make a call to the phone number which we have assigned to you, and just enjoy our services. If you order our VIPTel S plan, you will only pay for what you use up in reality. Since unlimited free calls are available to you within our network, you can have endless calls to your partner with whom you will try out our services.
- Testing - Now, you can make calls as often as you wish, completely for free. Of course, you can receive calls from anyone to whom you give your phone number like in case of a classic landline.
If you like making calls over the Internet, which you have checked out, it is not necessary to take any further steps, and you can continue using our VIPTel S voice plan. If you decide to call to fixed networks, mobile networks or abroad, the calls will be charged according to a valid price list applicable to the VIPTel S plan
If you wish to use the calling service in your company, you can transfer your chosen voice plan onto your company, or you may order a new voice plan.
If you are calling for more than 50 minutes per month, we recommend changing the plan for the higher VIPTel M or VIPTel L plan or purchasing some of our calling packages VOLAJ DOMOV (“Call Home”), or VOLAJ DOMOV ČASTEJŠIE (“Call Home More Often”).
If you also want to try out a phone other than the VoIP app, we recommend checking out our offer of VoIP phones.
If the service does not suit you for any reason, we will be happy if you let us hear from you at first using one of our contact data. We will try to personalize the service for your maximum satisfaction. If you nevertheless decide to stop using it, it will suffice if you send us a scanned signed request for service termination (we will send you a template upon request).
If you cannot tell whether you will continue using the service or not, you do not need to hurry by cancelling the service. If you have ordered the VIPTel S plan just to try it out, an invoice will not be sent to you unless you continue using the service.
Non-binding price comparisons
Do you want to know how much you would save by using our network? Send us the detailed information about your minutes used or an invoice issued by your current provider to [email protected]. We will be happy to prepare a quick non-binding price comparison, thanks to which you will get a clear idea of possible savings.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us
by e-mail to
[email protected]by phone on our customer hotline
+421 (0) 2 20 28 20 28or through the contact form below